Who is Calling??
(1 SAMUEL 3 VS 1-10)
Have you ever missed an important call unintentionally?? It is frustrating and disappointing. The feeling can be worse if it is a Private number. You can't call back or do anything about it, except hope they call back again.....
A young inexperienced Samuel hung up God's call three times to answer Eli. God was on the line, but Samuel was not connecting. Three times he left the voice in the temple and went outside to a sleeping man. What if God had stopped calling and then Samuel later learns what he missed. How devastating was is it going to be?? Thank God for His patience over our ignorance (Acts 17:30). God kept calling until he knew what to do..
Brothers and Sister as you grow in Christ, you may initially get somethings wrong. You will respond to Eli when in fact, it is God calling. You will sincerely assume wrong. You may misread people and situations. You will sow in barren and unfruitful soil. However all of that; is building your experience of knowing God more..... The mistake of answering to Eli helped Samuel identify God's voice. Apostle Paul said;.."Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: ref (Phil 3;8)
Keep acting on your Faith when you hear a call in your spirit. Like Samuel you are learning who God is, and who He is not...
Be blessed....
(Excerpts from Bishop TD Chiweshe's Sermons)
- Date: December 14, 2018
- Topics: Hope
- Preacher: Bishop T D Chiweshe
- Books: Ruth
- Series: The Story